1.30.24 Vanity Fair
Here’s Katherine Eban's take on RFK Jr.’s contentious first day of confirmation hearings, and the stakes for public health.
06.07.24 The Hill
Vanity Fair’s correspondent Katherine Eban weighs in on how patients might be taking counterfeit semaglutide, a popular weight loss drug.
06.07.24 Vanity Fair
How did more than 10,000 units of counterfeit #Ozempic breach America's defenses and enter the legitimate drug supply? Counterfeit Lot NAR0074 followed a convoluted path that Katherine Eban uncovered for Vanity Fair's June issue. Federal investigators tell Katherine this could be one of the largest counterfeiting episodes in U.S. history. Despite years of efforts to secure the U.S. drug supply, we remain highly vulnerable.
06.04.24 The Hill
Correspondent for Vanity Fair Katherine Eban breaks down Anthony Fauci's testimony on Capitol Hill.
03.09.23 The Hill
Contributing editor at Vanity Fair Katherine Eban weighs in on the key takeaways from yesterday's Covid-19 origin hearing.
04.04.22 The Hill
Vanity Fair's Katherine Eban answers Ryan Grim and Robby Soave's questions about her new lab leak reporting.
08.24.21 Americano
What will Biden’s lab leak report show?
Freddy Gray speaks to Katherine Eban about the classified report into the possibility that Covid-19 escaped from a Chinese laboratory.
07.29.21 The Drive with Peter Attia
Katherine Eban: COVID-19 Lab Leak
Examining all sides of the debate and discussing barriers to a full investigation
07.28.21 Democracy Now!
More than 1,400 workers in West Virginia are set to lose their jobs this week when the Viatris pharmaceuticals plant in Morgantown shuts down and moves operations overseas to India and Australia.
06.19.21 ThePrint's Off The Cuff with Shekhar Gupta
It is possible that we may never find out whether the virus jumped directly to humans from an animal or leaked because of a lab accident, investigative journalist and author Katherine Eban tells Shekhar Gupta.
06.17.21 NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross
Did COVID-19 Leak From A Lab? A Reporter Investigates — And Finds Roadblocks
President Biden has asked the intelligence community to investigate whether or not the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. Vanity Fair reporter Katherine Eban shares her findings.
06.08.21 Anderson Cooper 360° on CNN
Anderson Cooper sits down with Katherine Eban to discuss her latest investigation for Vanity Fair into whether COVID-19 may have originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
06.08.21 CBS News
A monthslong Vanity Fair investigation details how efforts to probe the Wuhan lab leak theory were suppressed within parts of the U.S. government.
06.07.21 The Open Mind with Alexander Heffner
The Factual Basis for the Lab Leak
Investigative reporter Katherine Eban discusses her documentation of the factual basis for evaluating COVID-19 lab leak pandemic origin.
06.05.21 Smerconish on CNN
Katherine Eban, author of the Vanity Fair piece "The Lab-Leak Theory," says President Trump floating the theory 'created an antibody response within the government.' But she did not see any evidence Dr. Fauci downplayed the theory.
06.04.21 Morning Joe on MSNBC
Vanity Fair writer Katherine Eban joins Morning Joe to discuss her sweeping new reporting on the coronavirus and the emergency of the lab-leak theory to explain the virus' origins and how 'toxic politics and hidden agendas' prevented transparency.
03.18.21 PREVAIL with Greg Olear
Blue State Genocide (with Katherine Eban of "Vanity Fair")
Jared Kushner has been committing crimes since he joined his father-in-law’s campaign in the fall of 2015. In Episode 5 of the PREVAIL podcast, I outline Boy Plunder’s rap sheet and talk to Vanity Fair investigative journalist Katherine Eban about Mr. Ivanka’s worst crime: the pandemic response he headed that resulted in 525,000 dead Americans and counting.
10.28.20 Wellness Inc. with Dr. Mike Moreno
Global Fraud and Life Threatening Dangers of Generic Prescriptions
Americans have been re-assured that generics really are identical to name brands but this isn’t always true. Today’s podcast is going to help you become informed about the realities of generic drugs so you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Get ready to hear some shocking truths about generic drugs from today’s guest Katherine Eban.
10.05.20 International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
‘Bottle of Lies’ author Katherine Eban on investigating Big Pharma
The bestselling writer discusses how she followed the story of fraud in generic drug manufacturing around the world in an interview with ICIJ.
10.05.20 From the Bookshelves of Forbes India
Ranbaxy and the dark side of Indian pharma
In a world where quality is not the priority for generic drug makers, and companies are incentivised falsify data to move quickly, investigative journalist Katherine Eban reveals a world of misdeeds in the pharma sector with 'Bottle of Lies'.
09.21.20 The Chris Voss Show
The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom by Katherine Eban
Today, almost 90 percent of our pharmaceutical market is comprised of generics, the majority of which are manufactured overseas. We have been reassured by our doctors, our pharmacists and our regulators that generic drugs are identical to their brand-name counterparts, just less expensive. But is this really true?
08.04.20 The Washington Post Perspective
Donald Trump has surrendered to the coronavirus
“We know from Vanity Fair’s Katherine Eban that back in the spring, Trump’s most trusted lieutenants did nothing because they did not view Covid-19 as a national problem.”
08.04.20 The New York Times Opinion
The Unemployed Stare Into the Abyss. Republicans Look Away.
The cruelty and ignorance of Trump and his allies are creating another gratuitous disaster.
08.04.20 Democracy Now!
As the U.S. coronavirus death toll passes 155,000, there is still no national testing program, with widespread shortages and delays hampering efforts to contain the pandemic. This continues months after President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner launched a White House task force with the goal of establishing a national testing plan. We speak to investigative reporter Katherine Eban, whose explosive Vanity Fair report chronicles Kushner’s fumbling efforts and the sudden decision to abandon the project on political grounds.
08.03.20 CBS News
White House officials have denied reporting by Vanity Fair alleging that the government declined to implement a plan for national coronavirus testing that was devised by the president's son-in-law Jared Kushner. Vanity Fair contributing editor Katherine Eban joins CBSN's Tanya Rivero with the details.
07.30.20 Erin Burnett OutFront on CNN
According to a Vanity Fair report, White House senior adviser, Jared Kushner, was working on a secret national testing plan in the spring to help bring the spread of Covid-19 under control, but then the plan "went poof into thin air." Journalist Katherine Eban joins Erin Burnett.
07.31.20 MSNBC Maddowblog
Did Kushner and his team see the virus as a blue-state problem?
The fear in the spring was that the White House would be passive in its COVID response because blue states were suffering. Those fears were well grounded.
07.31.20 Refinery29
Trump Scrapped Jared Kushner’s COVID Plan Because It Would Help Blue States
For months since the coronavirus pandemic reached the United States, the Trump administration’s ignorance and obvious lack of preparedness have been called into question. But a new investigation shows something even more sinister going on behind the scenes.
07.31.20 Esquire
The White House's Pandemic Response Plan Was Destroyed By Its Own Venality and Inhumanity
Jared Kushner and his finance buddies were at the center of it.
07.23.20 SenioRx Radio x Pharmacy Podcast Network
Katherine Eban & A Bottle of Lies
Investigative journalist Katherine Eban took some time to sit and talk to us about her new book, "Bottle of Lies." Did her findings create another opportunity to advance the profession of pharmacy?
06.05.20 The Open Mind with Alexander Heffner
The Catastrophe of America’s Medical Outsourcing
“Bottle of Lies” author Katherine Eban discusses the shortage of U.S. PPE, the outsourcing of drug manufacturing, and the breakdown of public health infrastructure.
06.04.20 The Neuro Experience
Dirty Medicine and How Generic Drugs Are Poisoning Us
As the cost of prescription medication soars, consumers are increasingly taking generic drugs: low-cost alternatives to brand-name medicines. But journalist Katherine Eban warns that some of these medications might not be as safe, or effective, as we think.
03.10.20 STEM-Talk
The dangers associated with relying on generic drugs manufactured overseas
Katherine’s recent book, “Bottle of Lies,” reveals that nearly 80 percent of the active ingredients of all brand-name and generic drugs as well as almost all of our antibiotics in the U.S. are made outside of the country, mostly in China and India. Today’s interview highlights the dangers Americans face in outsourcing the quality and safety of its brand-name and generic drugs to overseas manufacturers.
02.18.20 The Wire
In her book Bottle of Lies, Katherine Eban describes how the demand for cheaper drugs plus lax government regulation has allowed manufacturers to aggressively cut corners, get away with large-scale corruption, forgery and fraud.
02.18.20 Pharmacy Podcast Network
Digging into a Bottle of Lies; Interview with Katherine Eban
Many have hailed the widespread use of generic drugs as one of the most important public health developments of the twenty- first century. Today, 90 percent of our pharmaceutical market is comprised of generics, the majority of which are manufactured overseas. We have been reassured by our doctors, our pharmacists, and our regulators that generic drugs are identical to their brand-name counterparts, just less expensive. But is this really true?
02.05.20 News Laundry
In a conversation with Madhu Trehan, Eban talks about pharmaceutical regulations, institutionalized data forgery, perils of medical tourism, and attempts by Indian pharmaceutical executives to “game the system”.
02.03.20 Quint Fit
Investigative Journalist Katherine Eban's book exposes the rot in the generic drugs industry and the rise and fall of Ranbaxy.
02.03.20 ‘We The People’ with Sarah Jacob, NDTV
With a panel including Katherine Eban, industry experts and whistleblower Dinesh Thakur, host Sarah Jacob asks: Do India’s generic drugs work or will they do more harm than good?
01.30.20 The Hindu Business Line
Our Pharma Regulator Must Wake Up
The DCGI hushing up or denying malpractices in the industry will only further hurt exports to lucrative markets like the US.
01.26.20 The Sandip Roy Show
What Ranbaxy and Indian Pharma don’t want you to know, with Katherine Eban
In this episode, Sandip talks to Katherine Eban, an American journalist, whose bestselling book, Bottle of Lies, documents and exposes global fraud, large-scale data fabrication and unsafe practices inside Indian drug plants, including one of the biggest Indian pharmaceutical companies—Ranbaxy.
01.15.20 Longform
#375: Katherine Eban
“I do believe there will always be whistleblowers. And it’s interesting to me that even in the darkest spaces, even when it looks like everything is arrayed against them, there are people who will say: ‘This just isn’t right, and I must do something.’ Which is kind of extraordinary.”
01.10.20 ThePrint
‘Modi govt plans action against US writer who said Indian drugs are ‘flea-market quality’
In her May 2019 book Bottle of Lies, Katherine Eban accused Indian pharma firms of major lapses such as ‘toxic impurities’ and fudging data on quality control.
12.03.19 The Grand Tamasha
Katherine Eban on fraud in India’s generic drugs industry
Milan talks to Katherine Eban about her decade-long investigation into the lies, deceit, and outright fraud that runs rampant in the generic drugs industry.
11.04.19 The Hill
Can you trust generic drugs?
An investigative journalist tells us what we don’t know about our generic drugs and how the FDA has failed to regulate the industry.
10.26.19 Idea Collider
Katherine Eban, author of “Bottle of Lies” with Mike Rea
An interview with Katherine Eban, author of one of the most compelling books in the pharma world for a long time, Bottle of Lies, the Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom. Katherine wields the deft touch of an investigative journalist, and the storytelling needed to bring the shock and drama of this remarkable recent history to a book that can't easily be put down.
09.16.19 The Drive with Peter Attia
Katherine Eban: Widespread fraud in the generic drug industry
In this episode, Katherine Eban, investigative journalist and author of Bottle of Lies, illuminates the prevalence of fraud in generic drug manufacturing which brings into question the idea that generics are identical to brand-name drug as we are lead to believe.
09.09.19 Hispanic MPR
Podcast with author Katherine Eban about generic drugs and her book
Eban discusses her book, Bottle of Lies, with Elena del Valle, host of the podcast.
08.30.19 Yedioth Ahronoth
The Dark Secret Behind Your Medication
How some generic drugs could do more harm than good.
08.19.19 KQED’s Forum
‘Bottle of Lies’ Exposes Hazards of Generic Drugs
Generic drug companies in India and China have been cutting corners in their manufacturing and sending faulty drugs into the marketplace for years. That's according to investigative journalist Katherine Eban in her new book “Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom."
07.21.19 Health Analytics Asia
The Scary Truth Behind Generic Drugs
in India and China
Over ten years, American investigative journalist Katherine Eban investigated and uncovered nothing less than a public health crisis.
07.18.19 The Healthcare Policy Podcast
Katherine Eban Discusses Her Just-Published Work, "Bottle of Lies, The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom"
Nine in 10 prescriptions are today filled using a generic drug saving Americans tens of billions annually. A significant amount of generic drugs, along with active ingredients in all drugs, are manufactured overseas. However, how safely or to what quality standards are these ingredients and generics produced?
07.05.19 Quint FIT
The Dark Underbelly of Generic Drugs
What does Mahatma Gandhi have to do with generic drugs? FIT explains.
07.01.19 Dr. Berkson’s Best Health Radio
Generic Medications: The Awful Truth with Katherine Eban
Join Dr. Berkson's interview with Katherine Eban, an investigative journalist, Fortune magazine contributor, Andrew Carnegie fellow, and New York Time’s best-selling author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom and expand your knowledge base.
06.20.19 The Lucas Rockwood Show
Bottle of Lies – Generic Drug Dangers with Katherine Eban
Did you know that 80 percent of generic drugs are manufactured in India or China, thousands of miles from the US FDA inspectors? When it comes to oversight, manufacturing safety, and transparency, it’s a huge problem when Big Brother is on the other side of the planet.
06.19.19 Radio Health Journal with Reed Pence
The Safety of Generics
Reed Pence speaks with investigative Reporter Katherine Eban, author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom about the quality of regulation of generic drugs.
06.15.19 Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Folk Tales/Generic Drugs
“In China what was happening is that companies were adding a version of the heparin – it wasn’t pure heparin – but it was an adulterated version that increased the yield of the drugs. So this is an issue of seeking profits. And as a result of that contaminate in the drug, which was undetected by our own regulators, at least eighty-one Americans.”
06.12.19 Medscape Medical News
Katherine Eban talks to Medscape
In 2008, investigative journalist Katherine Eban started digging into the generic drug industry after hearing stories of patients whose generic drugs were not working properly for them. They had been stable on a branded drug, but then relapsed once switched to a generic version or experienced troubling side effects when switched between generics.
06.12.19 The Kathryne Zox Show
Pharmaceutical Fraud
Kathryn interviews Investigative Journalist Katherine Eban, NY Times Best-Selling author of “Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom.” Today, almost 90 percent of our pharmaceutical market is comprised of generics, the majority of which are manufactured overseas. Eban reveals an industry where fraud is rampant and companies routinely falsify data.
06.12.19 The Avid Reader Show
“Bottle Of Lies” Katherine Eban
Bottle of Lies is a book that strikes at the heart of the generic drug industry, a behemoth that supplies us formulations that may or may not be equivalent to say Lipitor or Klonopin or Flomax. And these companies control about 90% of our drug supply. Almost all of these companies hail from China or India.
06.10.19 Something You Should Know
The Huge Problem With Generic Drugs
We’ve all been told that generic drugs are equivalent to name brand drugs at a fraction of the price. Well, not necessarily. Most generic drugs are made in India and China and oversight by the FDA is not as great as you think. Investigative journalist Katherine Eban has just published an explosive expose that tells a troubling story about the safety and effectiveness of generic drugs.
06.7.19 KCBS Radio: In Depth
Katherine Eban on the "Bottle of Lies" in our Pill Cabinets
When you’re getting ready to buy most anything — from a car to a new phone — you’re likely to think long and hard about where you spend your money. But when it comes to the medications we take, most of us just buy whatever’s cheapest without ever really giving it a second thought. But should we?
05.16.19 NPR’s Fresh Air with Dave Davies
The Generic Drugs You're Taking May Not Be As Safe Or Effective As You Think
As the cost of prescription medication soars, consumers are increasingly taking generic drugs: low-cost alternatives to brand-name medicines. Often health insurance plans require patients to switch to generics as a way of controlling costs. But journalist Katherine Eban warns that some of these medications might not be as safe, or effective, as we think.
05.31.19 The Brian Lehrer Show
The True Cost of Generic Drugs
Katherine Eban, investigative reporter, Fortune Magazine contributor and author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom (Ecco, 2019) looks at the risks of the global manufacturing system that's developed for generic drugs.
05.26.19 CNN New Day
More than 80% of active ingredients in generic drugs are made outside of the U.S. “There is widespread fabrication of quality data in plants overseas”: After a 10-year investigation, author Katherine Eban argues that generic drugs may be poisoning us.
05.24.19 Democracy Now!
Generic drugs amount to 90% of all prescriptions filled in the U.S., most of them made in plants in India and China. Generic drugs can be more affordable, but in her new explosive book “Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom,” investigative journalist Katherine Eban works with two industry whistleblowers to expose how some manufacturers are cutting corners at the cost of quality and safety.
05.13.19 Fox & Friends
Author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom Katherine Eban questions if distant manufacturing plants are being effectively regulated by the FDA.
05.10.19 CBS This Morning
A new book raises questions about whether the federal government is doing enough to ensure the safety of generic drugs coming into the United States. Nine out of every 10 prescriptions filled are for generics. That saves Americans some $3 billion a week over the cost of brand-name drugs.
06.08.18 PBS
Katherine Eban appeared on the PBS program, The Open Mind, hosted by Alexander Heffner, to discuss the crisis of quality in generic drug manufacturing, and the dangerous decline in domestic manufacturing.
02.04.17 McGraw Fellowship
Katherine Eban Awarded McGraw Center Business Reporting Grant
Katherine Eban is one of four veteran journalists who have won grants as recipients of the McGraw Fellowships for Business Journalism. Two of the winning projects will explore challenges facing the modern pharmaceutical industry: Eban's centers on the inadequate regulation of generic drugs produced around the globe.
04.28.15 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program
Katherine Eban Named as One of 32 Inaugural Andrew Carnegie Fellows
The Carnegie Corporation of New York announced the names of 32 Andrew Carnegie Fellows today as the inaugural class of a major annual fellowship program that will provide support for scholars in the social sciences and humanities.
03.20.15 HBO Adaptation
Scott Z. Burns to Adapt Vanity Fair Article on Torture Cheerleaders for HBO
The story of how psychologists helped pioneer the C.I.A.’s post-9/11 program of aggressive interrogation techniques (read: torture), first told by Katherine Eban in Vanity Fair in 2007, is being adapted into a new film by HBO, can announce.