02.17.25 | Long Island University Announces 2024 George Polk Awards In Journalism
Katherine won the George Polk award for national reporting, for her Vanity Fair story on the mounting bird flu epidemic in dairy cows. The story revealed how the USDA's prioritization of economic interests over public health concerns slowed the federal government’s response. The Polk awards "place a premium on investigative and enterprising reporting that gains attention and achieves results.”
02.05.24 | Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs
Katherine spoke at The Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs at the Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M on “Investigating Public Health Mysteries in a Globalized World.”
09.23.23 | Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden
Featured Presenter on the “Pandemics Past and Future” Panel.
05.05.22 | Whistling at the Fake: The Crucial Role of Whistleblowers in Countering Disinformation
“Whistling at the Fake: The Crucial Role of Whistleblowers in Countering Disinformation” was a multidisciplinary research project funded by NATO's Public Diplomacy Division as part of its resilience projects. You can watch Katherine’s presentation, “Dinesh Thakur: the perilous journey of a whistleblower,” below.
05.03.22 | IPEC Americas Excipient World Conference & Expo
Keynote speech and Bottle of Lies book signing.
01.11.22 | The Newswomen’s Club of New York 2021 Front Page Awards
Front Page Award for Investigative Reporting, “The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins” in Vanity Fair. Read the press release.
12.08.22 | PDA Metro Dinner Discussion: Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom
The Parenteral Drug Association welcomed Katherine for a lively discussion, Q&A, and Bottle of Lies book signing.
10.16.21 | Jaipur Literature Festival Houston: Bottles of Pain: Sacklers, Ranbaxy and the Dark Side of Pharma
Intertwining corporate greed and the intergenerational empire behind the opioid crisis in America, a gripping and foreboding session that unravels the infestation seeped into the pharmaceutical industry.
09.15.21 | International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)
Moderated conversation and Q&A.
03.07.21 | Science Writers In New York (SWINY)
From Hydroxychloroquine to Convalescent Plasma: How the Trump White House Nearly Ruined the FDA Through Magical Thinking About Science and Therapeutics to “Cure” COVID-19. Watch the conversation.
11.10.20 | OPC Award Winners Share Their Stories: Cornelius Ryan Award
Moderated by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Dan Hertzberg
10.14.20 | Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival
Virtual Masterclass: Unlocking the Investigative Process. Moderated by Jane Sasseen, Founding Executive Director of CUNY – McGraw Center for Business Journalism
09.27.20 | National Book Festival 2020
Live Q&A. Watch the session.
09.09.20 | Valisure Video Seminar
In conversation with Valisure founder David Light and People’s Pharmacy co-founder Joe Graedon.
06.04.20 | Industry Studies Association Virtual Conference 2020
In conversation with Richard Saynor, CEO of Sandoz. Moderated by Prof. John Gray, Ohio State University.
05.12.20 | Excipient World Conference & Expo
04.30.20 | Ray Symposium at the Western University of Health Sciences
03.02.20 | TEDMED 2020
02.10.20 | Signature Seminar 21PHirst Series
01.24.20 | Jaipur Literature Festival
In conversation with Jeffrey Gettleman of the New York Times in Jaipur, India.